Who I am

Who I am

Hi, my name is Maria Ntaouka, I’m a Web Development developer.

I come from a country located in the Mediterranean Sea called Greece, the mother of the Republic.

I grew up in a town in Central Macedonia, Veria, which is famous Revani (it’s a traditional sweet) and its boundless peach orchards.

What I do

I mainly design and develop websites using WordPress and other web technologies as well as other tools that you can find in my resume.

I spend a lot of time on the web, keeping up with new and upcoming web design trends as well as new web technologies.

I would also like to get into marketing at some point, but in time.

How do I choose to spend my leisure time?

I find it very enjoyable to explore the mountains, travel, exercise, dance or play with my kitty helps me to calm down after long and busy days.

Apart from travel, fitness and dancing, I really enjoy listening to music and the genre and mood support depending on the time of day is a feature that impressed me quite a bit.

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